i don´t feel good.

I got a pocket,
got a pocket full of sunshine
I've got a love and I know that it's all mine
Do what you want,
but you're never gonna break me,
sticks and stones are never gonna shake me

Take me away
A secret place
A sweet escape
Take me away 
Take me away 
To better days
Take me away
A hiding place 

I got pocket,
Got a pocket full of sunshine
I've got a love and I know that it's all mine

Wish that you could,
but you ain't gonna own me
do anything you can to control me

There's a place that I go
That nobody knows
Where the rivers flow
And I call it home
And there's no more lies
And the darkness is light
And nobody cries
there's only butterflies

The sun is on my side
Take me for a ride
I smile up to the sky
I know I'll be alright

The sun is on my side
Take me for a ride
I smile up to the sky
I know I'll be alright


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